Thursday, December 31, 2009

So..Its new year again..10 years has pass since millenium 2000..
Just one decade ago i was 7 years old
as innocent as ever
entering the first year of primary school and now im at my final year at secondary school..
time flies doesnt it? when i was younger i always wish i was older so that i can get out of school
but now that im older i wish i was younger..i wish that i knew how to appreciate time..
i rather go through it again regardless bitter or sweet
the simplicity of things back then when we wouldnt feel shy talking to the opposite sex because everyone were friends

Last time it used to be teacher going on and about UPSR..And then it became PMR..and now its SPM..the final exam..the one paper that will decide our places in future

Two years ago i celebrated New year in Camerons..(which btw is the worst place to be during new year..its so damn dead.. ) sitting on the balcony on new years eve with my cousin from england drinking wine and chatting..with nat king cole's song at the background

And last year i celebrated new year at langkawi on a beach outside a bar where locals and angmohs gathered waiting for midnight..couples were hugging,kissing and dancing with each other(angmohs of course, at least got show to watch ;)..and there was a little show of fireworks and the dark blue sky was lit by lanterns

This year i celebrated 2010 with thousands of people standing next to my good friend..
counting down to the seconds when we finally usher into the new year..people cheering and giving each other hugs..the feeling of yet another unexpected year to go through..and yet before we move on we look back at 2009 and hope for the best in 2010

So here i am..blogging at 3am in the morning..3 days before my last year at school starts..a senior at the school now..feeling as old as ever..trying to cherish every moment i have left in school..of being a teen, youth

Happy New Year Everyone, 2010

You wont be Seventeen forever

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone !

Monday, December 21, 2009

So im finally updating lol..
I quit my job not long ago..Fri was the last day..I know i sound crazy or something but i actually miss it..i mean its like im already used to it..its like a daily routine and its definitely easier than studying cos you're doing the same thing over again.but im going to miss the people there..some of them..and the random stealing food.drink.muffins moment..ehem..and taking tips.hem..and commenting/(bitching) about customers..and just lazying around..or running around like a mad person..the adrenaline rush when it gets real hectic and getting scold for the most ridiculous things..all in all..i had a "great" experience..and now..its just going back to that dreaded homework..which i really dont want to think about now.ugh..

One thing good about working at malls is that there are facilities get to bump into celebrities and old friends.and you get to see events..say a really big stitch promo outside the mall..
kak juan..peeling potatoes..she seemed bitchy and bossy at first but once you get to know her she's actually not bad
ham sappp..nah she's not..thats my nickname for her since she calls me that of the few cantonese words that she of the fun-est manager,never serious and always willing to help..

Lol..they look like they're doing some promo adv
assembly station

beverage gonna miss my unlimited refill of drinks

chicken everyday
brandon cutting chicken

AMINNNN..nicest dude ever..


the two gays


my meal everyday.well quarter chicken with sauce,3 side dishes,one muffin and one drink


ham sap ban cute
